Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Tegra Australia’s goal is to carry out their day to day operations in a responsible and efficient manner in order to cause minimal harm to the environment as possible.The strategies required to achieve this include:

  • Transporting, storing and handling all materials in order to minimise, if not eliminate, dust, noise and spillage.

  • Utilise the best available equipment and technology to gain the maximum efficiency from, as well as, minimising the energy used.

  • Minimise the creation of waste wherever possible by recycling all used waste oil, paper, plastic, metals etc.

  • Utilise recycled products whenever possible.

  • Ensure all buildings and yards are designed and operated in order to hold any contaminates within the site at all times, and particularly during rain.

  • Where possible, utilise rain water run-off.

By implementing and following these basic principles the daily and long term operations of the company can be carried out with minimal impact to the environment.