Tegra Work Health and Safety Policy

Tegra Australia accepts that the safety of its workers is of the utmost importance and is a major part of the Company’s operation.

The Company’s Safety Policy is to eliminate or minimise so far as is reasonably practicable, the risk arising from the Company’s activities of accident or injury to any person.

This policy will be carried out by developing and maintaining an effective and ongoing Mine Safety Management Plan and Procedures Manual for Concrete Plants, aimed at safeguarding workers and other persons from accidents.

Health, Safety and Welfare is both an individual as well as shared responsibility of all workers and visitors.

Tegra Australia Management shall:

  • Plan, Develop, Implement and Monitor the Work Health & Safety Policy, Mine Safety Management Plan and the Procedures Manual for Concrete Plants.

  • Promote communication about Health, Safety and Procedures as a normal component of all aspects of work.

  • Take effective action to provide and maintain a healthy and safe workplace.

Workers and sub-contractors shall share the responsibility to:

  • Work in a healthy and safe manner.

  • Encourage others to work in a healthy and safe manner.

    • Co-operate with Management by supporting, promoting and abiding by the Work Health & Safety Policy, Mine Safety Management Plan and Procedures Manual for Concrete Plants.

    • Promptly report accidents, unsafe practices or conditions that become apparent and work with others to promote a safe workplace.